
التصميم الداخلي

يقال إن المشاكل الكبيرة تحتاج إلى حلول كبيرة، وهذا ما ينطبق بالفعل على أغلب المشكلات البيئية التي يعاني منها حاليا كوكبنا البائس، وخاصة ظاهرة ارتفاع درجة الحرارة على سطح الأرض المعروفة باسم الاحتباس الحراري.

وتفاقمت هذه الظاهرة وزادت حدتها بشدة خلال العقدين الماضيين إلى حد فرض مخاطر مستقبلية حقيقية على الأجيال القادمة، ليس أقلها تهديد المجتمعات الساحلية بالغرق ومناطق عمرانية كثيرة بالزوال.
Relevant today more than ever, these happenings scattered around the globe are tackling climate-related issues, urban problems, as well as concerns engendered by covid-19 such as resilience, models of living, future of design, and the unknown.

Article 1 #6

After two years of disrupted cycles of architecture events, due to the pandemic, 2022 has been witnessing a resurgence: biennials, triennials, design weeks, and festivals are back in the picture, with bigger interrogations and larger thematic approaches, aligned with the challenges of the world.

Relevant today more than ever, these happenings scattered around the globe are tackling climate-related issues, urban problems, as well as concerns engendered by covid-19 such as resilience, models of living, future of design, and the unknown.

Article 1 #7

After two years of disrupted cycles of architecture events, due to the pandemic, 2022 has been witnessing a resurgence: biennials, triennials, design weeks, and festivals are back in the picture, with bigger interrogations and larger thematic approaches, aligned with the challenges of the world.

Relevant today more than ever, these happenings scattered around the globe are tackling climate-related issues, urban problems, as well as concerns engendered by covid-19 such as resilience, models of living, future of design, and the unknown.